Why Every Email Should Matter

I have spent a lot of time and money on courses and digital downloads so I could learn how to email my list messages the right way. I wanted to get it right the first time. Most of the information that I paid for didn't help very much.

I got advice ranging from tell stories to tell them about your life to us humor. Very vague and general. What have I learned from this? Not much really. 

After several years of reading emails from the "successful" marketers and studying what I purchased, I came to the conclusion that there is no right way. Just something that can be honed only by writing a lot of messages and listening to the feedback. 

What really made email really clear was from a $3.99 ebook from Amazon. It was about creating content fast. 

Inside the book, there was a link to download some helpful info and worksheets. To get the goodies, I had to give up my email address. Good marketing move. 

So I ended up on a list of someone I never heard of before, and started getting some email to read. And to my surprise, it was very good. The author calls herself an Email Marketing Expert, or something like that. More to the point, she said something that I never saw, or maybe I just missed it...

The message was that every email that you send out should have a purpose. A clear, defined reason for being sent. And how it was important to lay out a plan and schedule for these email messages so you know what to write each week, month and quarter.

I now can understand why I always read some emails, and some emails get deleted before I read them. The good ones have something that I usually find interesting and helpful. The bad ones are a waste of time. 

I don't want to be a waste of anyone's time. and I  know that you don't either. From now on, every time you get ready to send out your next email, make sure that it doesn't waste your subscribers time. 

posted August 27, 2020

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